About Us

About Us

To serve orphans and needy children is our Purpose

The Immaculate Conception Foundation is a spiritual network of individuals coming from their respective faith communities and seeking as a goal to live the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in daily life.

The contemplative dimension of the Gospel manifests itself in an ever deepening relationship with the living Christ and the practical care of others that comes from that relationship.

Our Mission

It works serving the orphan and needy children providing the means necessary for their best physical, psychological as well as spiritual development.

Our Vision

Our vision is to serve the orphan and needy children following the example of love, faith, service and prayer of mother Theresa of Calcutta, as well as to serve the spiritual needs.

Our Values

Our mission is to make the world a better place for everyone. Everyone has their rights equally and we want to make sure that people can get food, education, treatment and accommodation for everyone who is living in poverty.

Our Administrative Circle

Adalberto Henriquez

Adalberto Henriquez

Margarita Henriquez

Margarita Henriquez

Elsa Valdez

Elsa Valdez

Nancy de Boer

Nancy de Boer

Farahilda Maldonado

Farahilda Maldonado

Mercedes Fernandez

Mercedes Fernandez

Enrique Fernandez

Enrique Fernandez

Contact Info

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