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The Immaculate Conception Foundation
Vision Statement
The Immaculate Conception Foundation is a spiritual network of individuals seeking to live the contemplative dimension of the gospel, serving at the same time the orphan and needy children and their respective communities. >>
The Immaculate Conception Foundation ……
- Is a spiritual network of individuals seeking to live the contemplative dimension of the Gospel through prayer and the contemplative practices of Centering Prayer or Prayer of Consent and Lectio Divina.
- It works serving the orphan and needy children providing the means necessary for their best physical, psychological as well as spiritual development.
- It seeks to serve the communities in which it works as well as those communities where the children live (orphanages), as well as those where they come from when possible.
- With its ecumenical opening strives to integrate those who are called to the same purpose: spiritual development and the care of the orphans.
Fundamentals for the Vision
- The Immaculate Conception Foundation is a spiritual network of individuals coming from their respective faith communities and seeking as a goal to live the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in daily life. The contemplative dimension of the Gospel manifests itself in an ever deepening relationship with the living Christ and the practical care of others that comes from that relationship.
- Our purpose is to serve the orphan and needy children in their integral development (physical, psychological and spiritual) following the example of love, faith, service and prayer of mother Theresa of Calcutta and others like her, as well as to serve the spiritual needs, at all its levels, of those communities where the foundation works through retreats, prayer groups, spiritual companionship and other activities in accordance to the needs of those communities using the tools available to us through the Catholic Church.
- We recommend the practice of Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer or Prayer of Consent as prayer practices to assist us in reaching the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in our daily life.
- The source of Lectio Divina and the Prayer of Consent is the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit that dwell within us. Its focus is to deepen our relationship with the living Christ. Its effect is ecclesial: develops faith communities and invite its members in charity. The Prayer of Consent in particular responds to the call of the Holly Spirit by consenting to the presence and action of God within us. It develops the gift of contemplative prayer preparing our faculties for it.
- We are open to other Christian denominations willing to participate in our purpose and spiritual network, and to join us in our common search for God and the experience of the living Christ through prayer and contemplation. We open our arms in a spirit of communion to the members of other traditional world religions and the whole human family in accordance with the decree Unitatis Redintegratis of Vatican II council.
- We recognize that the Christian contemplative tradition is an essential common root for Christian unity. We identify ourselves with all the established spiritual movements within the Catholic Church.
- We encourage a spirit of unity and utmost charity throughout our spiritual network.
- We recognize that any good accomplished by The Immaculate Conception Foundation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Administrative Principles
- The Immaculate Conception Foundation accomplishes it mission by our work example, our prayer programs and our contemplative life.
- We are responsible to one another in supporting and transmitting the vision of the foundation.
- We make decisions with as much consensus as possible.
- We try to be self-sufficient through our gift of time, talents and financial help.
- The Immaculate Conception Foundation will avoid indebtedness in order to remain flexible and capable of sharing our gift.
- We cooperate with those who exert ecclesiastic authority in the areas in which we work, but we do not seek canonical status as a religious or lay organization.
- Our goal is to remain accessible to everyone. For this reason we do not support particular causes nor we participate in public controversies, whether they are religious, social or political. As private individuals we are free to act according to our conscience.
Revised 1/16