Fundacion Inmaculada Concepcion
Sunday February 27 was a very especial day. All and each 22 Girls at The Hogar received a personalized, wrapped in plástic transparent and well identified bag of gifts. All bags were sent in 5 boxes from Orlando, Florida, directly to Bani. All courtesy of the transportation company Martinez Cargo Express.
Thanks to Josie and Jose Martinez The Girls prepared a recital quoting and representing many of the heroes of the Dominican
Independece and the Dominican Anthem was sang by the entire audience. Sor Rosa, Sor Baldaris and Sor Beatriz opened and distributed the bags.
Enrique and Mercedes Fernandez traveled to Bani to be present in this very important event BENDECIDAS y BELLAS is a group of ladies most of which live in Orlando, Florida. Many other ladies also contributed, not only with gifts but financially to the Hogar in Bani and to the Hogar Caridad Misionera in San Pedro de Macoris, also in Dominican Republic. Their bagged gifts will be distributed soon there by Ediza Pimentel, and Sor Pascuala , sponsor and director of Hogar Caridad Misionera.
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